Wahhabi Targeted Destruction of Shrines in the Name of Shirk

 [starttext]- Reason for hatred toward the Shrines of Ahlul Bayt? Shirk and Bida'ah. 
- No sensible person will say that we worship the shrine.
- The Wahhabis aren't able to distinguish between Ziyaraat and Ibadat.
- They are considered to be the guardian of Baytullah. Yet they still don't understand the difference between Ziyarat and Ibadat. 
- Muslims go in millions to face the Ka'bah.
- The Salafis will not consider the act of facing the Kabah as shirk. 
- Are we worshipping the Mohr? (Turba)
- We do not worship the turba, we worship ON the Turba
- Poets of the time when Saud demolished Imam Hussain's shrine: " I swear by Allah, Banu Ummayyah are the ones who Killed the son (Hussain), but these people did the same by demolishing the shrine" 
- They regret that they were not alive on Ashura to Kill Hussain so they compensate by demolishing his shrine.
- Ziyarat is a way of renewing Bay'at to our Imams. 
- We can rebuild shrines and buildings, but we cannot bring back characters like Ali (a.s.)
- 500-700 people are being killed in Egypt.
- The Ummah has reached to a point where human life has no value anymore. We don't think twice about killing someone who doesn't agree with us.
- We have never heard any condemnation by the Canadian government for the Shias being killed in Pakistan.

MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Fridays/...

Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: August 16th, 2013


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